Tessitura Monti

The Monti company was set up: industrial textiles manufacturing. not merely a logo, rather an atmosphere, a value attracting customers and ensuring their loyalty.

Some traditions remain unchanged over time. These traditions are handed on from father to son, enriched with new inspiration, new elements.

In the second half of the 19th Century, textiles were largely produced through the handcraft of hemp and cotton. in every family, there was an expert in the art of weaving. in that period in Varago di Maserada, near Treviso, Giorgio Monti, thanks to his experience and foresight, set up the Tessitura Monti mill, which over time became one of the leading companies in the international textiles industry. The tradition and expertise in hand weaving cotton on the loom was maintained through the years and, when modern technology was introduced, the old work tools were not put aside but replaced.

At the beginning of the 20th Century, Bruno, Evaristo and Venerio Monti promoted the early industrialization of the hemp and cotton hand-weaving process, mixing customs, techniques and textiles with an ancient tradition wisely handed down from one generation to another. Consumption patterns changed, techniques and tools evolved, distribution strategies changed, and above all the power of brands became more and more important over time.